I am a big fan of the late trading psychologist Van Tharp and Mark Douglas and they both talked about having low-risk edges when investing in the market while combining them with having the right mindset. I find that using the Seasonal strategy is an ideal way for me to utilize that low-risk concept by locating the securities that have the backing of the larger investors who put their money to work into the same investment at approximately the same time each year. Thankfully there are sites like this one that have done all the hard number crunching and made it so easy for people like you and me to simply watch the calendar and jump on board at the same time so we can all hopefully reach our profit destination together. Yes, there are times like the bear stock market we are experiencing where things do not always work out as planned which is often why you wind up seeing those statistics like 9 out of 10 years or 8 out of 10 years instead of that 10 out of 10. But you can take advantage of those times when they occur by noting when it is transpiring in many securities. At that point, you are probably in a bear market, and you may just want to focus on the higher probability shorts or even adjust your other non-seasonal positions by modifying your position sizes or adding hedges to protect your other account values. Fortunately, the bear markets don’t seem to last as long and if you are trading seasonal opportunities on a regular basis you should be one of the first to become aware of the changing market environments when you notice these typical patterns occurring or are not. The other big advantage I really like about Tradeseasonals.com is that they are much broader than just focusing on stocks. With the ability to discover opportunities in other things such as forex, commodities, futures, and bonds the window of opportunity here is much greater if you are really only interested in focusing on the long positions