Find The Top TradeWave Securities Lists For Today Sorted By The Most Consistent Historical Returns

Opportunities Table

With TradeWave Scanner you can find Wave opportunities based on repeating patterns.  Find Wave patterns in securities based on 5 up to 95 years, based on available data

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai
trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Click an Opportunity on the table to see the historical performance on the Wave Viewer

Securities Group Selector

Wave Opportunities are calcuated based on a securities group.  Select the group to get the corresponding Opportuntiies Lists.  Free users get access to “Dow 30 Stocks” group

Opportunities Month

Select the month for the opportunities list.  By default it is set to the current month.  Registered Basic and Premium users can select any month during the year

Opportunities Day

Select the day for the opportunities list.  By default it is set to the current day.  Registered Basic and Premium users can select any month during the year

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai


Our algorithm find hundreds of opportunities for each ticker per day.  Large number of opportunities for a ticker per day shows stronger Wave patterns.  By default only the pattern with the highest sharpe ratio is displayed for each ticker
When opportunities list is expanded, all opportunities for each ticker are displayed for that day.  Expand list is available to Basic and Premium users


# of Historical Wave Years

Number of historical years used to calculate the opportunities.  By default it is set to 10 years.  Registered Basic and Premium users can select 5 to 27 years

Probability Years

Determines # of required winning years. When Wave Years is set to 10 years, probability years of “10 of 10 years” means the TradeWave strategy had 100% positive results.  When probability years is set to “9 of 10 years” means the TradeWave strategy has at least 90% positive results.


You can filter results by minimum % gain achieved.  When filter is set to 10%, opportunities would have reached at least 10% for each TradeWave years.  Filter is based on maximum price achieved, not the closing price.


Enter search words to filter the opportunities list by any column.  Days-Hold can be search by individual numbers or by a day-range; to filter the list to only see opprortunities with day-range of 30 to 90 days, enter30-90 in the search box.  

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai


Our algorithm find hundreds of opportunities for each ticker per day.  Large number of opportunities for a ticker per day shows stronger Wave pattern.  By default only the opportunity with the highest sharpe ratio is displayed per ticker.  When list is expanded, all opportunities for each ticker are displayed for that day.  Expand list is available to Basic and Premium users

Wave Viewer

  • The Wave Viewer Bar Chart shows the percent profit for each year if the security was bought during the opportunity date range.
  • The Wave Stats Report, below the bar chart, shows the statistical detail of the Wave opportunity.
  • Click the right arrow on stat report or swipe left to see the current price chart for the security.
  • Click a Bar on the Bar Chart to see the historical trade with Entry and Exit for that year.  
  • In this example, the bar chart is showing the gain/loss for a 10-year Steris Wave Opportunity with Entry Date on 09-19, holding for 262 days, and Exit on 06-06.
  • Dark Green is the % gain from Entry to Exit dates for each year.
  • Wave Viewer Trend Chart, is a consolidated average trend of the stock over multiple years.
trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Stats

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Current Stock Chart

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Trend Chart

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Bar Chart

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Price Chart

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Stats

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Cumulative Return Chart

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

Wave Viewer Trend Chart


trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai


Trade Direction

Trade Direction is determined by TradeWave Viewer and displayed as a green or red square next to the controls on top of the viewer.  TradeWave Viewer determines direction by counting the number of successful long or short trades.  If long and short trades for each year is equal, SV selects long for the strategy.

Months & Qtrs

This control is a shortcut for entering start date and hold-days for each month and quarter in the current year.  Months & Qtrs shortcut is unavailable on smartphone portrait due to space constraints.  Users can either use landscape on their smartphone or enter the start-date and hold-days  manually

Start Date

This is the start date of a TradeWave strategy.  Dates should be entered in the format
YYYY typically should be set to the current year.  When set to a past year historicals are shown

Ticker Symbol

Ticker Symbol for the stock in the TradeWave strategy.  If Ticker Symbol is unavailable, the previous Ticker symbol stays in place

Days Hold

Number of days to hold the trade for the strategy.  Trade on leap years that contain Feb 29th are automatically incremented by 1 day to align the end date

# of Historical Years

Number of years to test the strategy.  Strategy can be tested on 5 years to 30 years based on available data.  If there is less than 30 years of data available for stocks such as TSLA, the pull down shows the maximum number of available years


Maximum Favorable Excursion checkbox will add the highest level % gain during the trade time to the bar chart.  The MFE gain is displayed as light green in long trades and light red on short trades


Maximum Adverse Excursion checkbox will add the lowest level % loss during the trade time to the bar chart.  The MAE loss is displayed as light red in long trades and light green on short trades

YOU CAN EXPORT AND SHARE TRADEWAVE REPORTS BY CLICKING THE EXPORT ICON      trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai

TradeWave Trend Chart

TradeWave Trend Charts are 365 day graph showing the average trend of a financial instrument over the number of historical years, by default 10 years.  The average is calculated over the selected number of years in the TradeWave Viewer.  The Steris Profit Bar Chart is calculated with data over the last 10 years.  The Trade window shows the trade on the Trend chart.
When a Wave Viewer Trend  Chart shows a strong up or down trend during specific date ranges, the date range could be a possible Wave Opportunity.

By default the start date of a Wave Viewer Trend Chart is 60 days ago, rounded to the first of the month.  Click “Jan-Dec” checkbox to change the Wave Viewer Trend Chart date range to Jan 1st to Dec 31st.


trade seasonals is a Seasonal Analytics Environment that helps inestors and traders find and analyze patterns based on time of the year. this is done by testing a date range for a financial instrument. Algoirthm also finds the top 10 opportunities daily. tradewave.ai