


What is a Detrended Seasonal Chart

What is a Detrended Seasonal Chart

A detrended seasonal chart is a graph that displays the fluctuations in a time series data set, with the long-term trend and the seasonal component removed. Detrending is a statistical technique that removes the underlying trend from the data, leaving behind the...

MasterCard MA is Seasonally Bullish in July

MasterCard MA is Seasonally Bullish in July

Mastercard has gained an average of 3.47% during the first 3 weeks of July 13 of the last 15 years with the only year with an appreciable loss being 2012. This July MA has already gained 0.61% and has gone as high as 1.29% gain. The opportunity date range is July 1st...

Commodities Selection Using Seasonals

Commodities Selection Using Seasonals

Seasonal Opportunities are date ranges when a commodity has repeatedly gained predictably in the past. A seasonal opportunity could be present for a number of years; seasonality present with a higher number of years has a better chance of repeating the pattern. By...

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