Why is Sharpe Ratio important in trade analysis?

The Sharpe ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return that is commonly used in finance to evaluate the performance of an investment or a portfolio. It compares the excess return of an investment (the return in excess of the risk-free rate) to its standard deviation,...

What is a Detrended Seasonal Chart

A detrended seasonal chart is a graph that displays the fluctuations in a time series data set, with the long-term trend and the seasonal component removed. Detrending is a statistical technique that removes the underlying trend from the data, leaving behind the...

MasterCard MA is Seasonally Bullish in July

Mastercard has gained an average of 3.47% during the first 3 weeks of July 13 of the last 15 years with the only year with an appreciable loss being 2012. This July MA has already gained 0.61% and has gone as high as 1.29% gain. The opportunity date range is July 1st...